Fitness Fitness Fitness…. Where art Thou

My thoughts and memories

Fitness is necessary for a number of things. A fit mind is better accustomed to face the challenges of life.  I am trying to lose weight for a number of reasons and as usual the weight loss is not happening. Some days, I stick to my schedule and eat healthy, go to the gym and other days as they say life takes over.

Here are some of the basic mantras I try to follow every day

a) Take Breakfast every day :- This is mainly because “The Better Half”  scrambles to office with dabba. Hence breakfast has to be cooked and lunch packed.

b) Exercise :- Using youtube videos or the gym

c) A simple light lunch :- Usually its Roti Subzi or Khichdi

d) Some tea in the evening :- Nope, I can never leave tea. My morning does not begin without tea and a phone call to Mom.

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